What Is An STD And How Can It Affect Your Daily Life?

Fact No. 1:

A sexually-transmitted disease (STD), also known as a sexually-transmitted infection (STI) is any infection or disease that is passed on from one person to another during sexual intercourse or other types of sexual activity, such as oral sex.

Some STDs, such as HIV/AIDS, can also be transmitted via the shared use of infected needles by drug users.

Fact No. 2:

Someone who is infected with an STD, but is showing no signs or symptoms can still infect their partners, if they engage in sexual activity, or, in the case of HIV/AIDS, share needles. People do not always know that they have a sexually-transmitted infection because they don’t have any symptoms of the disease. Symptoms of an STD such as herpes, for example, include blisters and sores. But even when they aren’t present, the disease may still be active. While the symptoms are not there, the infection lives on. The herpes virus can be transmitted up to days before the symptoms arrive. Living with herpes can be easy if you regularly see your doctor and follow a medical course.

Fact No. 3:

The only way to stay safe from infection and disease is to stop engaging in sexual activity with an infected partner or to use latex condoms. There are male and female condoms available on the market. The contraceptive pill, as the name suggests, prevents conception, but will never prevent an STD from being transmitted. If have been prescribed medication for an STD, you should always complete the course and see your doctor just in case further treatment is required.