What Is Your Subconscious Mind Telling You About Your Home?

Are there areas of your home that you try to ignore? Maybe you tell yourself that you will attend to it later. It could be a broken doorknob, a leaky faucet, or even a pile of clutter. We all have these blind spots in our everyday visual field. What does this mean? We may look at something everyday, and yet miss its apparent truth. This is especially true in the home because we are more connected to every object in the space. This is where Feng Shui comes into play and can help us to see this truth.

Feng Shui is about creating a harmonious environment that allows the most benefit for the occupants. It lifts the spirits, calms the nerves, and enhances the joy in life. Feng Shui is known as the art of placement. This concept came into being over 4,000 years ago in China, and was originally developed by observing the flow and rhythm of nature. Today, it is being practiced around the world. Acceptance of Feng Shui in the western part of the world is rapidly expanding and the realization of its benefits is well known.

When starting to use the application of Feng Shui in a space, there are many areas to review. The shape of the building, layout of the rooms, furniture placement, and colors are among the many things to assess.

There are also some basic principles to consider:

• Take a look at the entrance. How do you feel when you see it? Does it make you feel welcome and happy to be there or do you feel like running the other way? The entranceway is the first impression that you get about a home or office. It should be beautiful, inviting, and open, both inside and out.

• Where is your bed placed in the bedroom? The placement of the bed can make a difference in getting a good night’s sleep or tossing and turning throughout the night. The bed should be positioned facing the largest part of the room and the door, without being in direct alignment with the door. This will help to promote better sleep by keeping the central nervous system calm. It also allows you to benefit from the expansive energy within the room.

• How many items do you have in your home that you dislike? It is important to love everything in your space. Keep in mind the joy that you feel when you are around something or someone that you truly love. By surrounding yourself with things that bring you joy, you further incorporate that feeling into your life.

• Electronic equipment such as TV’s, computers, alarm clocks, and cell phones emit energy known as EMF’s (Electromagnetic fields). There are studies that show prolonged exposure to this energy weakens and drains the immune system. It is best to keep these items at least 4 feet away from the body while sleeping or working for long periods of time.

• Clutter is the biggest block of energy that exists. Stagnation energy is created by clutter, and getting rid of this clutter allows the energy to rise and flow again. The motionless energy from clutter causes the occupant’s energy to also stagnate. This leads to such problems as procrastination, as well as lack of concentration, clarity, productivity, memory, and creativity. Prolonged exposure can even cause depression due to the heaviness of the energy it creates. If clearing a big pile of clutter get too overwhelming, try clearing just 3 things a day for 9, 18, or 27 days. You will most likely find that once you start this process that you do not want to stop. This is because physical clutter symbolizes mental clutter. So, by clearing the physical clutter in your home or office, you will notice a difference in your mental clarity. Your mood will lift and you will be able to think more clearly. This should be your first goal in the feng shui process. Until the clutter has been dealt with, no feng shui adjustment will be nearly as effective.

The application of these and other Feng Shui adjustments, when used together, may be thought of as a non-pharmaceutical antidepressant. A qualified Feng Shui Practitioner will be able to further evaluate your home and determine the best adjustments to enhance the harmonious energy within the space.