Basement Water

Basement water caused by water leakage is one of the most common problems found in houses. While basement foundation damage caused by water leakage is not common, basement water can be a major inconvenience, and often causes damage to basement flooring and stored items. In addition, odors caused by mold and mildew can be particularly offensive to some people and can even be a source of allergic reactions. It has been documented that at least 98% of all basements will leak at some point as a house ages and settles.

Basement water leakage is one of the most common defects identified during an inspection for resale of a home. And can also be one of the most preventable. Basement water leakage is very often the result of improperly laid exterior grading, where the surfaces of a driveway or patio have settled and cracked to form a conduit for water to seep into your basement. Combined with a lack of proper gutters and drainage, basement water can become a major nuisance. But very often, preventing basement repair is as simple as thinking ahead. If the home that you own or are considering purchasing has a basement, you need to know if there has ever been water or dampness in the basement and where it comes from.

If you find basement water, the first step in curing a basement water problem is to determine the source of the water. Basically, you can divide potential basement water sources into three categories:

Surface water is a flow of water whose basic source is primarily water from run-off, rain, snow, or poor drainage. This type of water problem is generally restricted to the top four feet of soil.

Ground water is a flow of water produced from high water tables, springs and rivers, and can be made worse by poor soil. This type of water problem can extend from the surface and then run down past the level of the basement floor.

Other water comes from different sources and can originate from inside or outside of your home, due to condensation, temperature differences, and plumbing leakage.

To solve your basement water problem, and before you start basement repairs, think about whether basement water shows up after only heavy rains, or every time it rains. Is the leakage usually confined to one specific area, and if so, can you associate an external source with this area, such as a window well, or a poorly sloped driveway?

Once you have isolated your basement water problems, then any basement repair, basement refinishing and basement remodeling become easier. Basement waterproofing is important, because basement water and the damage that it can do to your home is nothing that any home owner wants to suffer from.

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