Dishing Up Dog Health

Understanding Dog Health

Does your dog have lively eyes, full energy and lots of

vitality? Is your dog’s coat shiny and bright? These

visible signs of a healthy dog are pretty easy to spot.

And, as a dog owner, your role in getting your dog into

this healthy state and keeping your dog in this

condition is important.

The most basic way to keep your dog healthy is through

food. Every animal requires water and food to live.

We realize from a human standpoint the importance of a

healthy diet and how food affects our energy. These

conditions are important in a dog’s diet too or else

they encounter malnutrition. Our much-loved dogs

require a diet full of vitamins, minerals and canine

nutrients for a proper diet. Since the majority of

today’s top brand-name dog foods are complete with

these ingredients, this health requirement for our dogs

is easy to fulfill. Steer away from cheaper brands as

they often contain too much cornmeal and little


It is also now well known from human experience that it

is possible for animals to overeat and become obese.

This never happens in the wild – an animal that is so

out of shape that it cannot fend for itself does not

last long – in fact we only ever see obesity in humans

and in their pets. It may be something that kind

hearted owners do to their pets, thinking the dog will

be happier if it eats plenty. But they should remember

that overweight pets do not live as long as their lean

counterparts, and (like humans) they are more

susceptible to heart disease, respiratory problems,

arthritic pain and diabetes. What’s more they are more

likely to die if they have to be put under anaesthetic

for surgery (again, this applies to obese human beings

too). Feeding your dog the right food, and at the right

amount, is the first key to keeping your dog healthy.

As attentive owners there are several things we should be

on the look out for that can be seen on a dog’s fur, skin

and stools. Fleas and tics can both cause dog illnesses

so should be treated. Flea collars are not great at

treating fleas, but there are any number of good powders

and spray that will do the job – the only thing is that

you must follow the instructions exactly. If you have

had a flea problem it is vital that you thoroughly clean

all the areas where the dog hangs out – if you vacuum

carpets empty the bags outside straight afterwards, if

the dog lounges on the bedding, wash it. This is so

that you dog is not immediately re-infected from the

fleas or eggs in the carpets and fabrics around the


Be careful to check your dog’s fur after a walk in the

country, since this is when they are most likely to have

picked up ticks. Finally check your dog’s stools for

evidence of worms. Roundworms, hookworms, whipworms

and tapeworms all can infest a dog’s intestinal tract,

though not all are visible to the naked eye – this is

why a regular worming schedule needs to be followed.

These few steps create a much healthier and happier dog.

Further steps like keeping veterinarian visits and

keeping your dog’s vaccinations up to date also increase

your dog’s health factor. By following these caring and

healthy steps, you are creating a fit and content dog

that is sure to live a much longer and healthier life.