Find Out How To Buy Quality Discount Carpet

How many of us need to desperately replace our worn out carpet but just don’t have the cash needed to buy new carpet. Even when the sales come up it can still be pretty expensive and end of the rolls aren’t often enough if you have a larger room to do. Not to worry. Read on to find out how to buy quality discount carpet and give your home that needed facelift.

Almost New

New carpets come with a guarantee and so sometimes even reputable carpet stores land up removing carpet and replacing it for whatever reason. It could be the color was off just a tad, it may have a couple of small flaws that the home owner wasn’t willing to accept, it can be a host of many small things. At any rate once the carpet store has removed this carpet they normally just want it out of the warehouse and out of their way, so you can buy this “almost new” carpet for very cheap and all you have to do is put up with a few imperfections.

Commercial Carpet

Most home owners don’t even think about commercial carpet that is often found in rentals, and commercial spaces. There’s a reason commercial carpet is put into rentals. It’s virtually indestructible and will outlast any other carpet on the market. The commercial cut loop carpet gives it a velvety look and it’s nice and soft on the feet. And here’s the best news. It’s a fraction of the cost of home carpets. On average you can buy commercial carpet for around $5.00 per yard. Go figure lasts forever and costs less. No wonder they don’t want to let this secret out So be sure to check out commercial grade carpets.

Installation of commercial carpet in a commercial building means gluing it to the concrete floor which is an option you can use as well. But if you want the most cushy comfortable carpet in the whole wide world buy the thickest pad you can find.

Furniture Store Cast Aways

Also called furniture store cast offs. These cast offs are the furniture that the store isn’t able to move quickly for whatever reason. Furniture stores like to keep there stock fresh and rotated often so many of these stores will hold an auction at least a couple times a month. You can get great deals Brand New And I’ve seen people get enough carpet to do a full living room and hall for under $100.00. So be sure to call your local furniture stores and see if they do this.


Remnants are always a great choice especially if you don’t need to match up. So perhaps you are replacing your living room carpet and a couple of bedrooms and you aren’t overly picky about the color especially in the bedrooms as long as they are somewhat neutral, and you don’t care if they match. They remnants are definitely a possibility. You can often save up to 75% sometimes even more. So hunt around

Commercial Reno’s

Commercial businesses such as hotels or banks will commonly rip out perfectly good carpet because they are getting a face lift, or color change which is very common in industries which serve the public. They like to have a fresh new look regularly. You can buy this carpet for pennies on the dollar, and get high quality, beautiful carpets. In fact sometimes you can get these carpets just for hauling them away. Now that’s a deal So keep your eyes open for any renovations going on.

Buy Wholesale

Don’t forget to check wholesale. Although some wholesalers are loyal to their dealers and require you to buy via the dealer, just as many are not. In fact if you get your hands on the WBMC which is a mail order catalogue you’ll find $30 dollar carpet for as low as $6.00 a yard. Now that’s a deal

Here are the phone number for some of the larger wholesales. Visit your local carpet store before calling and get all the numbers such as color and style, then give these guys a call and see if they can give you a better price. Warehouse Carpets of Georgia, (800) 526-2229, Carpet America (804) 730-7777;;; Johnson’s Carpet (800) 235-1079; and S&S Mills, (800) 363-4036, Quality Discount Carpet, (800) 233-0993.


If you are like myself and don’t notice the “little imperfections” irregulars can be a great buy. Apartments and condos regularly use irregular Berber because they can get it so cheap and I’m betting you couldn’t find the imperfections even if you looked long and hard. So the moral of the story is it’s a lot cheaper not being a perfectionist. High end carpet for below wholesale price just because it’s not quite perfect. But then neither am I so what a great match

Insurance Companies

Many times an insurance company will land up replacing an entire carpet when only a small section was damaged. So if your room is small enough that you can eliminate the damaged area you can get some very nice high end carpet for cheap. In fact many times you only need to hall it away.

Carpet Mosaic

If you are doing a family room or a rec room this little trick can work great and it really ads an element of creativity to the room. Buy the carpet samples that the carpet stores have. In fact on discontinued carpets they will sometimes even give you the sample square. Then you can either sew them all together [very time consuming] or simply place them down and use adhesive to keep them in place, much like laying tile.

Area Rugs

This is an option that is often overlooked and so functional especially if you have beautiful wood floors underneath the existing carpet, which is very common in older homes. Wood floors once so popular went out of style and where quickly covered with carpet. Now they are back and the wood floor materials we buy today are no where of the quality of those in the past. So have a peak and if there is hardwood floor strip and polish if needed, then buy a beautiful area rug that covers the heavy traffic areas and lets the hardwood show on the outer edges.

Now another trick that works well if you don’t have hardwood floors is to buy tiles or linoleum that has the marbled look, lay it and then place an area rug in the center. I can personally tell you that the black marbled tile look fabulous like this as I once did a family room with this method. Tiles were on sale and dirt cheap, and the area rug was very reasonable. Under $200 and I had a million dollar room