Fishing Decor – Manly yes – but Women like it too

Most might think that fishing décor is only for little cabins in the woods, but this style of decorating can actually work well in any home. For the avid fisherman who also enjoys a bit of nostalgia, this is the perfect décor for a den or a game room. Some items may be stock full of memories of fishing days gone by, while others are local flea market finds He’ll discover how much fun second-hand shopping can be and you’ll never have to go alone again

Fishing decorÂ…think lures, think creels, think skin mounts. Taxidermy? Now IÂ’m pushing the limits. After all, you donÂ’t want dead fish hanging around your house, do you? Why not? Remember the popularity of a certain singing mounted fish a few years back? At least the skin mounts wonÂ’t turn their heads and sing

Displaying fishing lures can be a challenge in itself. Gathering plastic lures from the 30’s will prove to be more affordable than obtaining older lures. But if you happen upon the earlier types, snatch them up while you can. Whatever you do, though, do not touch up the paint on any of the lures, because doing so will reduce the value of these antiques. Lures can be displayed in a shadow box, along with old fishing licenses and other memorabilia. Was one of your father-in-law’s old licenses found among his things when you cleaned out his garage? Add this special memento to the collection and your husband will be further indebted to you. “Finally,” he’ll think to himself, “she’s beginning to understand me.” Watch out, he’ll start trying harder to understand you too. Remember, I predicted that there would be benefits.

Old family fishing photos can be restored, framed in antique-looking frames and lined up on the mantle beside an old fishing reel or two. Or you can hang a pole on the wall and use fishing line with hooks attached to hang the pictures from. Use your imagination and work with the theme. Themed rooms are by far the easiest to design. Figure out what you want your focal point to be and go from there. Did you find a great old creel up in the attic? So what if the wicker is broken in places. It adds to the charm. Prop open the top and use the basket as a place to deposit his mail or the daily newspaper. DonÂ’t forget that great old fishing vest, complete with lures and hooks. Hang it up and use the pockets to store things like decks of cards. Possibilities are limitless.

Old sportsmenÂ’s sample catalogs will be the perfect touch spread out across an end table, and old counter signs and advertising memorabilia will demand attention from all who visit this extraordinary room. Your husbandÂ’s friends and family members will be so impressed, not only by your sense of style, but also with your obvious devotion to your husband and his hobby.

Once the room is done, you can let him enjoy his space, while you go upstairs to your room full of roses and Victorian dolls. After all, he never complained about your room, did he? Sit in your favorite chair, sip your tea and get lost in a good novel while heÂ’s downstairs reminiscing and thinking about how heÂ’s the luckiest guy alive