Foo Dogs Lead the Pack: Antiquity Art is in Style

As the saying goes, what’s old is new again. That’s never truer than when it comes to home decorating. Buddhist art in general – and Foo Dogs in particular – has become increasingly popular with professional and amateur decorators alike. Many people were first exposed to Buddhist art when feng shui – the Chinese art and science of arranging space in harmony with the environment – first became popular. Although feng shui has is roots in Taoism, the Chinese incorporated Buddhist art, such as Foo Dogs, into the design of their buildings from the second century B.C.

Foo Dogs, sometimes known as guardian lions, are generally placed on either side of a building’s entrance. According to Buddhist tradition, Foo Dogs are the guardians of Dharma, or the Truth. Typically displayed in pairs, the male lion has his paw on a representation of the Earth, and the female has her paw on her cub. Male Foo Dogs protect the actual building, while female Foo Dogs protect those inside the building. Historically, they were placed at the gates of temples, at the entrances to tombs, and at the front of altars. Today, replicas of Foo Dogs are often used outdoors as decorative elements at the bottoms of driveways or indoors near the front doors.

Foo Dogs are not the only forms of Buddhist art that are popular with decorators and collectors. A bronze Buddha or a laughing Buddha is often displayed in living rooms, studies, and master bedrooms. The peacefulness and tranquility that a bronze Buddha or a laughing Buddha radiates is a welcome respite after a stressful commute or a long day at the office.

Buddhist art isn’t the only form of ancient art that has increased in popularity. Both Egyptian art and Greek art have enjoyed a resurgence of interest. For example, plaques depicting Isis or Anubis adorn many modern walls. In ancient Egypt, Isis was worshipped as one who protected her son from danger and who would protect mortal children as well. Anubis, typically depicted as having the head of a jackal, is known as the God of the Dead.

As with Egyptian art, many people are choosing to decorate their homes with replicas of Greek art pieces. Vases, wall sculptures, busts, and friezes are all being used as decorating elements in today’s homes. Many women feel empowered when they see sculptures of ancient Goddesses, and are giving such sculptures places of honor in their homes.

As testaments to their faith, Christians are embracing the concept of incorporating Christian art into their homes. Christian art may take the form of depictions of The Last Supper or The Ten Commandments, or may even include statues of angels and saints.