Free Satellite TV – Myth? Real? or It’s Just a Joke?

Free satellite TV is the biggest myths on the internet, is this statement true? Read the insider’s view on this issue.

Free satellite TV doesnÂ’t mean you can get a TV for free. Free satellite TV doesnÂ’t mean that you can watch satellite TVÂ’s program for free. Free satellite TV doesnÂ’t mean that you can get everything on your TV set for free. Hence, I would say itÂ’s true

So, what do free satellite TV means?

Free satellite TV, or free satellite TV system, or free Dish Network, or free DirecTV (the list goes on here) means that you get the free satellite system, including one to four satellite signal encoders, a satellite dish, and a satellite TV authorization card for free.

Always, these free satellite TV deals also comes with the free installations as well as the free HDTV upgrading. These offers are valid for Dish Network and DirecTV. All these are valid for you IF you are the first timer for satellite TV deals. YES, these free DirecTV and free Dish Network offer are only for people who never subscribe to satellite TV service before. This is why, again some folks out there are claiming free satellite TV is a lie when they fail to get another free set of satellite equipments.

Some of you might get into this article during the search of authorized sites offering real free satellite TV deals – if so, I would suggest you this authorized site:; some might be looking for information on pirating DirecTV signals, if so, I would recommend to not do that, its will cost you even more with the pirating cause those people that code program your satellite TV cards will charge you every two-three months for re-program fees, its illegal and its not worth it at all.

So lets forget about satellite TV deals? DONÂ’T

The satellite TV deals are still very good bargains as they are providing very top level of product and service. Lots of program to be watched, A++ customer service reputations, topnotch picture quality, full control on the TV with DVR or TiVo systems, pay-per-view package that give you extra savings on your home entertainment systems Â… all these are something that other entertainment network canÂ’t give you. Think of your experience with cable TVs, think of your experience with the big dish TVs, free satellite TV deals apparently are still the best choice among all.

Free satellite TV is the biggest myth on the internet? Who cares I am going for it as long as it provide the best bargains.