Garage Sale Checklist – a Guide To Hassle-Free Sales

Garage sales should be fun and hassle-free, with your goal to make some good money and off-load your unwanted items – our garage sale checklist is your hassle-free, step-by-step organiser for achieving this.

2-3 weeks before the sale

-Start sorting through your household for unwanted items

have the mindset that almost anything will sell if it is a bargain

– Price your items

price items about 25-35% of what they cost new (clothes are exceptions – 5-15% here)

– Pick a date and time for your sale

weekends are the best; avoid public holidays or special events

– Write your ad

give the address and hours of the sale; mention items that are of particular interest

– Place your ad in local newspapers and using free garage sale adversting sites

put up flyers on local community boards; inform neighbours as they might want to have a joint sale

1 week before the sale

– Make sure items are cleaned and repaired

the better condition it is in, the higher price you will get

– Determine where signs will go

in and around your neighbourhood is best; one in front of your house is smart too

– Make your signs

use arrows, print the address, start and end times, use big letters

1-2 days before the sale

– Set up your sale area

use tables to lay items out, display clothing hung up; you want to create an area so people can browse and shop in comfort

– Get checkout area ready

have plenty of change; spare bags; calculator; newspaper (to wrap fragile items); paper & pens

Night before the sale

– Put up signs

– Make some refreshments and have a radio ready to play some soft background music

Morning of sale

– Make sure your house is locked up and fully secure

don’t want to give buyers the opportunity to snoop around

– Open the gates/door to your sale

greet all customers with a freindly smile and “hello”; be prepared to bargain with buyers

Right after sale

– Take signs down

not only is this courteous to the environment, but you might incur a fine or penalty if you don’t

– Count your money and rejoice