Home Buying Tips

It is really nerve-wracking to search and choose the right house. There are so many choices sometimes, good ones, but the prices are wrong, when the price is right, the house is wrong and so on. There are a few basics however to keep in mind when you want to buy a house:

1. Get an agent: This is sound advice, unless you are well experienced in the buying and selling of house business. It is also good advice because more than 80 percent of the property goes through agents and if you do not have an agent you cannot have access to that large percentage of house. What you will get to see is about 20 per cent of the houses who are owner sold.

2. Choose an agent wisely: it is one thing to decide to get an agent; and another thing to get a good one. You will know that your agent is a good one when:

a. He/she provides you with sufficient background information, including naming a few past clients for reference

b. He/she is easy to talk to, not stand-offish and full of jargon and business airs; your agent needs to be “on-your-side” and really understand your needs and requirements. Unless you have a good rapport with your agent, you cannot really get a satisfactory house

c. He/she is a local and preferably in the business for at least a few years (it is not that new realtors are not good, but it is always better to have an experienced hand)

d. He/she has a few expired listing that you can check

3. Get your budget right: Before you even look for a house, make a positive decision on the exact amount you are earmarking to buy a house. You also be careful and aware of the implication a home finance will have on your budget on monthly and yearly basis. Only when you have a definite price range (min-max) you proceed to look for a house. You may also avail of a pre-approved mortgage which will clearly indicate the limits of your budget. This will also expedite the process when you effect the purchase.

4. Research and decide what best is available: Check the housing in the neighborhood you plan to live and see which type would suit you most, location wise, model wise, facility wise. Settle on something that makes you feel good when you are inside and outside.

5. Keep future needs in mind: When you buy a house, keep in mind that you are making a big investment that should you best for a long time. Think of your future requirements as well, not only what you need in the present. For example if you are newly married – children, guests, in-laws. Whether you would want to have a home office, etc. See if the house you choose can be expanded or already has the amenities to accommodate your future needs as well.

6. Be systematic: Maintain files on each of the house you see and have stored there all the pertaining information on each house you see such as price, pros and cons, features you love the most, features you hate the most, suitability etc. This will greatly help you in the decision in the end.

7. Know the facts: Learn what is most required to check in a house – like walls, plumbing, electric wiring, etc. Be sure that you know what the house inspection process involves so you can not only understand which are good and which are bad houses, but also know what do you have to look for to qualify it.

Here are seven easy steps to home ownerships – http://www.nocreditapp.com/stepbystep.aspx