Home Plans Buying Guide

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Your about to invest a big part of your life. You are building a new home, and you want that home to be perfect. Ever since you were a kid you probably dreamed of owning your own home. Maybe you were thinking of having a large master bedroom, indoor poor, maybe a den to watch football. Or maybe you want something simple like a one-story ranch, with a 1 car garage and small living space. Purchasing your dream home plan can be a big decision, but this guide is here to help you avoid some common mistakes, and make your house plans purchase a simply one.

First, consider how big your lot is. Keep in mind the things you will need at your new home such as a backyard, driveway, and storage areas. Planning approximate size and sq ft of your house will prevent you from skimping on other important factors of your new home.

Second, it is important to make a budget. Making a budget ahead of time will allow you to buy the house plan that will fit your needs and your wallet. Later down the road you do not want to learn that your house will be costing thousands more because the sq ft is a little too high. Another good idea when writing up the budget is writing up a wish list. This can include features you must have. For example, a 2 story Victorian with 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and at least 2 fireplaces. This way you wonÂ’t be skimping on the things you really love.

Now here is something very important most people do not think about. What if you sell your house 10 years down the road? You bought the house exactly how you like, number or garages, special features, etc…But how is the resell value on your home? When designing your home it is important to not skimp on standard features. Every home should have a living room, kitchen and at least 2 bedrooms. Other items like fireplaces, decks and porches, always add value to a home and should be thought about before your purchase. Keep the resell value of your home in mind when considering your purchase, that way when its time to move, you wont be stuck trying to sell your house for a portion of its true value.

Think you have an idea of what you want and what to spend? Try using a pad and pencil and draw up a quick and easy sketch to give the house plan company an idea of what you want. This can be a simple drawing with a couple lines, then mark where you want the kitchen to be, den, bedrooms, bathrooms etc…This will greatly aid you in finding your dream home. In considering these things, remember that if a company has a stock home plan that matches the floor plan you desire, the exterior can be easily changed. This is good to know if you find a house plan that you like, but donÂ’t like the exterior. This is a quick process and a residential designer can change this for you.

By Brandon Wilcox
