Hydroponics Gardening – How to Grow Flowers and Vegetables with Minimal Time and Effort

Did you know that you can still grow your own beautiful

flowers and vegetables, without having to spend many hours

every week looking after your garden?

One of the biggest problems many gardeners face is never

having enough time to maintain their garden. There’s always

weeds to remove, insects and other pests to take care of,

and steps to take to prevent plants becoming diseased. Even

watering the garden each day can be very time consuming,

unless thereÂ’s an automatic sprinkler system in place.

If you want a garden but only have limited time to look

after it, hydroponics is a great option. Hydroponics

gardening has many time-saving advantages over conventional

gardening methods.

Some of these advantages are:

1. No weeding required.

With hydroponics gardening, the plants are grown in a

solution of nutrients dissolved in water instead of soil.

You don’t have to worry about weeds sprouting amongst your

plants, because soil isn’t used.

2. Fewer problems with pests and diseases.

When growing hydroponically, you have less of the typical

problems with pests such as slugs, snails and caterpillars

attacking your plants.

Although the nutrient solution of your hydroponic garden

will have to be changed regularly, this only takes a

fraction of the time compared to conventional gardening

maintenance – eg. greenhouse gardening, where soil has to be

replaced between crops to prevent disease.

3. You don’t need to spend time watering your plants.

Plants grown in a hydroponic garden have an unlimited supply

of water. You never need to be concerned that your plants

are getting too much or too little water.

4. Say goodbye to digging your garden.

Preparation of a conventional garden involves loosening the

soil to add oxygen for the plantÂ’s roots to extract. Once again, as soil isn’t used with hydroponics, this means

one less time consuming job for you to do.

Plants grown hydroponically extract oxygen from the nutrient

solution via their roots. The oxygen can quite quickly be used

up, so it’s important that it’s replaced. The way

it’s replaced depends on which system is used. The most

common hydroponic system is the passive system, which uses

an aquarium bubbler to put oxygen back into the solution.

Plants can be grown rapidly without all the concerns of

regular gardening. Although a hydroponics system can take

some time to set up, you’ll find it’s well worth the


For more information on hydroponics and the advantages over regular gardening go to http://www.about-hydroponics.info/information-on-hydroponics.html