Mattresses Help Relieve Stress And Pressure Of The Modern World

In the modern society that we live in today, stress is an inevitable disease that the young and old have to deal with on a daily basis. That is why the mattress that we use to sleep on at night is so important to our health and well-being. The mattress that we sleep on has a DIRECT effect on how healthy and effective we are when we are awake

Tempur-Pedic mattresses – developed for astronauts

Mattress and bedding manufacturers take their research and development to new heights as they continue to search for the most effective stress and pressure-relieving materials to offer consumers. Take the NASA-developed tempur-Pedic mattresses as an example. Tempur-Pedic mattresses were originally developed by NASA for astronauts. Because of the extreme environments that astronauts have to endure in outer space, their mattresses and beddings have to give them optimal comfort. Tempur-Pedic mattresses can sense your weight and body temperature when you lie on top of the mattress. The tempur-Pedic mattress will, then, conform to every single angle and curve of your body. Satisfied consumers can attest to the comfort and deep sleep that they enjoy every single night on their tempur-Pedic mattresses. Tempur-Pedic mattresses help in relieving pressure, comfort to stressed body and minds. They also help in preventing pain and reducing instances of tossing and turning during the night. Tempur-Pedic mattresses induce deep sleep and complete rest throughout the night.

High quality mattresses outlast their lower quality counterparts

A high quality bedding and mattress will usually last for 10 years or more. But for high quality mattresses, the mattress manufacturer will go as far as to give their buyers a 20-year warranty In fact, the quality of the latest and newest mattresses comes with anti-allergy, anti-mite terry cotton covers so that it discourages harvesting of those pesky creatures on the mattress.

Mattresses utilizing the latest technology are also easy to change because they realize that cleanliness and hygiene is of utmost importance to a good nightÂ’s sleep. Cleanliness and consistent changing also contributes towards the lifespan of the mattress.

The technology behind tempur-Pedic mattresses

Tempur-Pedic mattresses have 2 layers of memory foam. One layer, the mattress layer at the bottom, is called the support layer. This mattress layer is firmer, hence, able to provide support to the consumers. The top later is called the comfort layer. This is the layer that you will lie on on top of the mattress. Many copies of tempur-Pedic mattresses have only one layer in their mattresses – hence are not able to fully provide the kind of comfort and support to consumers. Even if the copied mattresses have double-layers, the quality of the copy mattresses varies from the original because they simply do not have the technology to produce the kind of quality mattresses that the original tempur-Pedic mattresses can provide

Hence, if you value your health, youÂ’d go for original mattresses. YouÂ’ll soon see and feel the difference