Money And Energy Saving Tips For Washing Your Dishes

Dishwashers sometimes come in for some bad press,

particularly because it is assumed they waste energy and

water. However this is rarely the case – usually

dishwashers use less water and less energy than washing

your plates by hand. So it is quite possible to be

environmentally friendly and enjoy the convenience of a

dishwasher. If you want to get better and cheaper

performance from your dishwasher, here are some hints.

The reason that most people think more water is used by a

dishwasher is that it is so big and the sink is so

little. Yet very few people only wash up once a day,

so you need to add up all those sinks full of hot water

plus any rinsing water you might use. You can work this

out for yourself given the size of your sink and your

washing up technique. In contrast most modern

dishwashers make good use of water and may use only

20 liters (a little over 5 gallons) of water each time

it runs.

What’s more, you would be wise to do all you can to be

careful on the quantity of water used to operate your

dishwasher. For example, try to scrape off dirty plates

into the trash rather than running hot water to do this

duty. If you must use water before using the dishwasher,

put the dishes into a sink full only halfway. In

addition, you can usually skip the pre-rinse cycle. By

experimenting with these ideas, you may find where you’re

overusing your water.

Why run a dishwasher half full? Wait until the

dishwasher is full and then run it. Of course, you can

only do this if you own a lot of dishes. If going out

and purchasing more dishes is needed to do this idea,

you may find your purchases don’t exceed the cost of

saving water

Heating water can be an energy zapper. However, both

processes require hot water. So, the use of hot water

in the dishwasher costs no more than hand washing. In

fact, your dishwasher may use less hot water than many

people’s hand washing technique. Scale build up does

affect the performance and efficiency of the dishwasher,

so check this frequently. Scale build up generally

happens due to the hot water heating too rapidly. The

reason most people use this setting is due to the

misconception that hot water kills germs.

Unfortunately, the temperature required to effectively

do this is so much higher than a home’s hot water

setting for tap and the dishwasher. The job of ridding

germs then is left to a detergent. So, skip this

high temperature setting and save a few bucks by opening

the door during the dry cycle and let your dishes air

dry naturally.

If you do upgrade your dishwasher, look for washers that

carry the best energy saving rating. These newer models

heat water in safer and more efficient manners in

comparison to older units. Also, these newer

dishwashers are often far more environmentally friendly

and cost effective than many of your neighbor’s hand

washing habits.