Need a fix for domestic bliss

With so many period renovations potentially ending in disaster, Tsarine, is a new company specialising in researching fixtures and fittings for period renovations is set to revolutionise the property market.

Trying to marry modern lifestyles with period properties is no easy matter as many home owners are finding to their cost. Homeowners pushed for time might easily miss some fundamental considerations which at best will take them over budget and at worse affect the long term value of their property.

In the UK homes are everything. Homeowners pushed for time no longer need to wait for their dream home. We analyse the technical information and track down the unusual so our clients don’t have to. It’s their project but we help them realise it faster.

Many professionals buy a period property to turn into a dream home. Homeowners are looking for usability and flexibility of modern systems while retaining a period feel. This is time consuming. We present people with the options, resources and materials so that they can make informed choices. Not only does this save time but professional advice can save homeowners from making expensive design mistakes which can be irreversible.

The five biggest renovating mistakes of self renovators are:

1. Underestimating the time and effort necessary. Time is money. Homeowners need to weigh up long term investments against short term savings.

2. Not seeking professional advice. Buildings inspectors offer invaluable advice, a full surveyors report will identify any potential issues. The local preservation society could have some useful contacts (some areas have restrictions on the type of building materials that can be used – this can increase costs). Protecting and restoring existing features correctly is important to the buildings long term maintenance.

3. No vision of the end result. Think the dream at the beginning; it’s important to get the infrastructure in place for wiring and pipe work, for example. Think outside the box, and then start the planning this will ensure the objectives are clear and the budget is fixed. This will improve relationships with traders and avoid any ‘add on costs’.

4. Ignoring formal procedure. Ensure planning is sought from the outset. Building regulations and any local restrictions for the area need to be identified, especially any limiting factors e.g. type of brick.

5. Failure to set a realistic budget. A considerable amount of time and effort is necessary to be able to manage the project budget and all areas have to be explored to achieve this. One simple means is the need to negotiate appropriate discounts with local suppliers and merchants, based on the scale of business they can expect.

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