Quick Smart Cleaning – The Bathroom

The bathroom isnÂ’t like any other room in the house; it needs to be cleaned to a certain standard to maintain hygiene. But it doesnÂ’t necessarily have to take an eternity. In this Quick Smart Cleaning guide we can show how get that bathroom clean in fifteen minutes.

Bathroom Cleaning Supplies

First of all letÂ’s grab the supplies. It’s important to have these together before you start. This will mean there is less chance that you will get diverted from doing the job in hand by having to run back and forth, collecting your cleaning products.

Here’s what you’ll need:

A bag or basket for any non-bathroom items

a brush and mop

laundry basket

a bin

disinfectant wipes

glass cleaner and cloth

toiler cleaner and brush.

OK, letÂ’s get started

Grab the laundry basket and put all the dirty washing in the basket: thatÂ’s it, pile it all in there. Next, put any litter lying around inside the litterbin. I bet itÂ’s starting to look much tidier already

Using the disinfectant wipes, wipe down the sink and bath tubs. Try to spend a little more time on the sink to make it presentable. The toilet is next. Using the toiler brush and cleaner, scrub inside the toilet bowl. If this is done on a regular basis it really shouldnÂ’t need much more maintaining. Use the disinfectant wipes to wipe around the outside of the toilet.

If you have any glass in your bathroom take the glass cleaner and cloth and wipe it down, spend a little time to make sure you havenÂ’t left any streaks

Put any non-bathroom items into the bag or basket and return them to their proper places. You can then sweep and mop the floor. With bathrooms normally being the smallest room in the house this shouldnÂ’t take too long.

WeÂ’re done again Now did it take anymore than fifteen minutes? Probably not. Remember if you make these steps part of a routine maintenance for your bathroom each clean up will go a lot faster.