Use Beautiful Persian Rugs To Set The Mood

Your home makes its own fashion statement and tells your guests a lot about your personality, likes, dislikes, and character. There are many ways to set a mood or make a statement in a home. One of the best ways is to use beautiful Persian rugs to set the mood.

Persian rugs are hand made, beautifully designed, and an important part of the Iranian culture. Many Iranians make their livelihood creating these works of art. As more and more of the world recognizes the quality and beauty of these Persian rugs the demand grows. In fact demand has grown so much that these rugs are now being produced in area that were not known for weaving in the past.

Anyone who has ever seen a Persian rug will agree when I say a Persian rug is not just a rug but rather a magnificent work of art with a mix of wonderful hues and patterns. After all this skill has been perfected over 2500 years so who would expect anything less. During ancient times the Iranians were one of the first carpet weavers. Throughout the centuries they have used ingenuity combined with talent to design a carpet that stands out above the rest. If there was an award for excellence in carpets the Persian rugs would win hands down.

In Iran Persian rugs are treated like stocks in the western world with many Iranians investing their life savings in the Persian carpets which are stored in underground facilities in Tehran. Of course the secrets out about the Persian rugs. They have been recognized for their artistic beauty on an international scale.

Persia the original name for Iran is known as the home of the oriental carpet. Persia was once the most powerful empire in the Middles East and known as the crossroads of eastern and western civilizations. It was during the Safavid Dynasty that Iran reached its artistic height. Tile work, calligraphy, painting, and court weaving flourished. Soon the artistic ideas where appearing as patterns and designs on the Persian carpets. It wasn’t long before carpet factories were founded in Tabriz, Kasha, Isfahan, and Kerman to name just a few of the cities.

During 1722 when Afghan was invaded an abrupt end came to the Persian carpet industry. In fact throughout the turbulent period which reached into 1748 no carpets with any value were made. The only carpets being made were those used by craftsmen and nomads.

During the reign of Oajar during the later part of the 19th century the importance of the craftsman once again returned and once again the Persian carpets flourished. Tabriz merchants were quick to begin exporting carpets from Europe to Istanbul, and eventually to America where there value, quality, and beauty were also quickly recognized.

The culture and the history of these rugs still appears today in the magical designs and patterns which have come down through the generations. These days there are many other major cities in Iran that have carpet factories.

Don’t be surprised if you start pricing out Persian rugs and discover they are somewhat pricey. They are worth every penny and then some

Persian carpets are so well made they are handed down from generation to generation. So if you plan to invest in Persian rugs be sure to have someone to will it to

So if Persian rugs are something that sounds like it would add the finishing touches to your decor and your rooms mood then why not take a quick search online and discover the beautiful pieces that are waiting to adorn your room. Don’t forget to use beautiful Persian rugs to set the mood