Visions of Sugar Plums and Holiday Safety

Ho, Ho, Ho, Holiday greetings to you

Every year at this time I can’t help but notice the beautiful holiday lighting and adornment. It’s great to see that even homes with a “For Sale” sign on the front lawn have been bedazzled with lights But this good deed seldom goes without also decking the halls with many holiday hazards.

You may be feeling happy for the holidays, but you’ll be roasting more than chestnuts if you lose respect for the dangers inherent in the season It is sad to say, but more homes burn during December than any other month. And electricity is not the only hazard contributing to the risk.

Candles Seasonal candles on windowsills near your beautiful curtains and shears is a perfect blend for combustion. Please be sure candles are always attended when lighted, shielded by a glass enclosure, and located so the cat doesn’t knock them over. And put out all candles before snuggling in for the night

And what about space heaters That might even be why they call them “space” heaters, cause if they are too close to bedding, curtains, or clothing there is a fair chance of fire. Many a home has burned even with the heater in clear space. Please be careful about flinging a towel, shirt, or sheet as you climb under the covers. Any article landing on the heater is certain to burn.

While we are thinking about space heaters, be especially cautious about the misuse of kerosene-fired space heaters. These babies can really put out the heat But please, read the directions and follow them like your life depended on it. Of special concern is ventilation. If your space heater’s directions require outside air for ventilation, crack a window or what ever it takes to be compliant. The risk of death from carbon monoxide poisoning is far greater than fire. Carbon monoxide is colorless and odorless ensuring a sound sleep for all eternity.

Gotta love stockings hung by the fire – but gotta also be sure they are removed before the fire is a blazing

For some strange reason, otherwise sane and contentious homeowners decide to do their most creative electrical lighting, decorating, and wiring this time of year. Some of the more festive observations have been:

Twelve indoor extension cords lying in a garden fountain

Eleven lighted candles each behind a curtain

Ten cracked cords in a single outlet

Nine rocking reindeer sparking on a rooftop

Eight unattended potpourri pots a bubbling and a boiling

Seven realtors cell phones charging near a wet counter

Six spliced wires wrapped with duct tape

Five frosty snowmen hanging by frayed wires

Four flood lights on a single broken fixture

Three space heaters blowing on a Christmas tree

Two light bulbs covered with red plastic bags

One extension cord draped over a chimney while the fire’s a blazing

Okay, I confess Our friends at the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSO) estimate that about 4,000 injuries associated with electric extension cords are treated in hospital emergency rooms each year. They also estimate that each year, about 3,300 residential fires originate in extension cords, killing 50 people and injuring about 270 others. The most frequent causes of such fires are short circuits, overloading, damage, and/or misuse of extension cords.

The real point is, be it in our own homes, homes we visit, or homes we list, keep an eye out for the hazards that need to be addressed. Lives depend on it. Plus, if one of your property listings burn to the ground, it makes for some very difficult disclosures

Be safe and enjoy the holidays …more information…