What Is It That We Like About Working From Home?

Could it be the time and freedom of calling our own shots and no boss? Or because we know there is not much opportunity left in the industrial age. If you’re of senior age, then supplementing your income is really key right now. Because nine times out of ten your retirement pension only handles so much.

We as work from home businesses are probably only people in world who has the freedom and ability to work and make as much as we can without being weak to submit our services to a boss. Each of us has a prescribed industry that we are involved with. Everyone from a personal assistant to a person who sells cakes.

I’m often asked, what type of business do you do? I tell people, I’m into network marketing and they immediately have something negative to say like is that a real business. Or they get confused and call it something else or “oh that’s one of those pyramid schemes”. I always tell them they really don’t know because they haven’t done their research about the industry. This industry is becoming the profession of choice. More and more everyday, executives who earn a 6 figure income are quitting those corporate jobs and working from home doing network marketing. Why? Because they can make more money and leverage their time to do other things.

Are you ready for the paradigm shift? If you are, then you are in the right place of time. You see the commercials daily about Working From Home or starting a Homebased Business. Do you see that its coming? I remember in the early 90’s people said they would never have use for a personal computer at home and now today just about every home has one.

Technology has created a way for a person to work from home and now is the time to get in. With downsizing on the rise more and more corporations are sending their employees home to sell the company’s products or services. How easy is it to find a job and make the same money, that you were making before you were let go from your previous place of employment? Not easy at all, in fact you’ll probably take a pay cut at the next company you apply for.

If you don’t know what network marketing is then I suggest you watch the movie Brilliant Compensation


this movie will educate about the profession and how its becoming the business model of the future.

If you enjoy doing something why not make it your business? (Home-based) This I think creates a peace of inner self and probably a more peaceful household not to mention a healthier and happy you. Why? because there is no complaining when we do what we love to do. If more money is needed to come into the household you as work from home entrepreneur do not go out get a job, instead you figure out ways to vamp up sales including getting your family involved.

If you don’t have a Plan B then you need to consider having one. Going to work only to find out that, the company you have Corporate for is downsizing and closing down parts of the company and you need to find out what options you have. You can go get another job and get in line with the other people who have been laid off or you could create your own and make money off of your expertise. Do you have a Plan B?

By Keith Thomas

Work From Home Nutrition

All rights reserved 2006

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